Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Song: Questa Notte

Hi guys. Oh, god. Soundcloud updated their players. Wow. That's cool. Anyway :) The latin flavor Song is finally finished. I REALLY enjoyed the making process this time. I learnt a lot about salsa also with some dance lessons that a friend of mine is giving me. Like what struments are usually used, how they work and so on. So i can recognize now that this song i made is not exactly a traditional salsa. Well they usually use CLAVE, wich is the first sound you hear. I Discovered that there are two rythm parts: 2 - 3, and 3 -2. Ta ta, Taa taa taa. Or, taa taa taa, TA TA! Annnddd that's cool because solved a lot of questions i had listening to these songs lol. After the clave there is a guiro ( not in my song, unfortunately ) that makes like a buzz "trrrr t t trrrr" Lol. It's a freaking funny sound xD. Then there are the congas, then piano, bass and trumpets. Now, i could make  a REAL salsa. BUT, i guess you have to be happy with " questa notte" for now. I am just starting to discover how latin works, so, let's make this voyage together ;D. I think i will make also a "bachata" one day, even if my next song will be more like "greenday". I LOVE to explore genres, musical instruments, behaviors in music etc! :D

About the song. It talks about respect. A day, in  a party, i was really enjoyng the company of a girl. She was sooo beautiful. But, at a certain point she showed me a LOT of respect. And that ,made her just like.. WONDERFUL. So, here's a song for her ;D
Well, lyrics are in italian as usually :) Hope you like it:


E davvero seducente

La visione che ho in mente

Ci sei tu ed io ed altro qui  non ce

Ma tu affettuosamente

Ti avvicini lentamente

Mi assicuri il tuo amore con la tua lealta

Non me lo aspettavo,

mi hai folgorato,

il rispetto conta molto piu di una fantasia

perche dentro nel mio cuore,

provo come del calore

un sentimento che traspare da un sorriso mio

e resto li,

ma io ti stringerei,

ti prenderei e poi ti porterei via con me

ti bacerei,

e ti farei mia,

e nn lo dico per poterti ringraziare


qui, da me, con me

la clave sta suonando per noi


che questa notte non finisca mai.

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